Day three and today is the first day of meeting up with the other IARU students and everything, well, meeting up with the rest of them anyway. It was quite confusing asking around for directions to get to the University, but in the end, it was a lot closer than I thought it would be, maybe 6 stops from central station? I met a student named Silas on the bus I was on, so the rest of the trip was alright.
At the University, we were given brief introductions to the course, as well as some course material. We had a few mini-lectures (more on that later) and had a lunch of bagel –sandwiches. Then we went on a mini “excursion” to the north to get to the school of forestry. Through this tour, we got to see a lot of the forestlands mentioned in the introduction of the course. We also got to see a fair amount of landscape planning, and got the opportunity to discuss some unique concepts in planning Denmark. For example, building a line of forests to prevent urban growth from taking over. We were also able to visit a large hill, which apparently was the highest point in Western (?) Denmark and passed by a large body of water, which was supposed to be significant, because there aren’t very many of them in Europe, and finally arrived to the college of forestry.
After getting settled in, we had dinner and did 5 minute presentations about ourselves and our local surroundings. It was quite nice getting to know the different people and their unique backgrounds. Not much else to talk about for the first day. The food is excellent and the rooms are quite nice. Apparently we must all watch out for ticks and poisonous snakes around here... although they are said to be quite rare.
(a lot of bikes in Copenhagen)
(me and some classmates)

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